The meeting is kindly hosted by FUNET at CSC/Funet office, Keilaranta 14 in Espoo.
CSC recommends the Tapiola Garden hotel, Tel. +358 (0)20 1234 616. If you give booking code NORDUNET you will get a fixed price of 118 €/night.
We will start the meeting on Tuesday and end the meeting on Wednesday with lunch. There will be an organised dinner Tuesday evening at 18:30.
Name badges with WLAN-credentials for Operational Forum participants will be available from Tuesday morning at 9:00. Everyone can pick their badge from the information desk just next to entrance. There will be a sign "NORDUnet meetings 2010" or so.
At 12:30 on Wednesday the inter-NREN services meeting will continue in the same meeting room, participants from the Operational Forum are also welcome to join this meeting.
Draft agenda
Tuesday 12th
From 11:00-17:00
- Contractual Relationship for Independent Resource Assignments (See separate email about this, it is regarding the new RIPE Policy Proposal 2007-01)
- Inter-NREN meeting (discussion about what operational implications could arise from a Cross-Boarder fiber initiative)
- TF-NOC (a suggestions to start a Terena Task Force NOC)
- Sketch version of list of joint activities
- Wrap up and next meeting
Meeting notes
Next meeting:Link to page with the minutes of the meeting.